
Nice Animal Rescue Shelters photos

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Check out these animal rescue shelters images:

Royal Palm Maya wondering if I have food
animal rescue shelters
Image by Marji Beach
Maya is a young royal palm turkey who escaped the farm where she would have been slaughtered. She hangs out with the other turkey ladies and tries her best to build nests in very hidden, secretive locations...much to the staff's chagrin.

Maya passed away, probably from cancer, on 6/30/2012. She was only 4.


animal rescue shelters
Image by J. Star
Tonight I went to take pictures of some puppies that have had a rough go of it in their short lives so far.

These puppies were rescued from a rural shelter that had no heat. Some of the puppies had frozen to death, and a call for help was put out to save the ones that were still alive. The Cincinnati HART group sent a team up to pick them up and thanks to a couple of very dedicated volunteers, the puppies are now safely at a vet where they are in quarrantine and receiving the care they need. They'll be sent out into foster homes when they're out of quarrantine.

I took the pics so that we could send them to the HART foster care distribution list.

You can help their cause by helping your local animal rescue team!

All these little sqirmy cuties will be looking for homes soon, once they're out of the vet.
