
Brown Bear (Ursos Arctos), Madrid Zoo

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Some cool animals for free images:

Brown Bear (Ursos Arctos), Madrid Zoo
animals for free
Image by spencer77
This picture is available to use for free, under the creative commons licence. All I ask is that I'm given a photo credit & a courtesy email to let me know how it's being used.

What a Day [Day 7/7]
animals for free
Image by Bekah Stargazing
I'm super tired, and I just got home from the day's events, so forgive me for the late (again) upload.

My friend (who has also become Charlie's friend) Dan slept over on our couch last night. We all like hanging together, and I'm glad he's cool with Charlie and stuff.

Dropped him back up in my hometown (where he lives) after meeting up with my parents for breakfast/lunch at our favorite restaurant, did some laundry at my parents (YAY for free laundry... that I don't have to haul up and down 3 flights of stairs to do, like we have to do at the condo), cuddled with Katie (as pictured above), and played some rummy 500 with my parents.

I used my mom's camera to take this picture while I was up there.

Then I came back to the condo, and Charlie noticed that SpookyWorld had an opening weekend deal for tickets, buy one get one free, for admission to the park (it's a collection of haunted houses/amusement park that opens up for a month or so in the fall, in time for Halloween).

It was raining, but I don't mind rain. We spent a good 3+ hours there, got a LOT of exercise walking around. It was drizzling/misting the whole time, but I was okay with that. By the end, I was super sore. And my shoes were (are) all muddy and stuff, since there was a TON of mud because of the rain.

I will go through the 7 Days group and comment on a bunch of photos later. In a couple days, maybe, since we're really busy tomorrow and the next day.

There's a show that Charlie is doing light show projections for in Boston area tomorrow evening. Then on Sunday we're going to Charlie's grandfather's birthday party (who is desperately sick and this will most likely be his last birthday gathering after years of failing kidneys/dialysis, which is super sad, but he's lived a really successful life and such). And then on Sunday evening, possibly doing a local underground free concert. Busy busy. D:

I can feel my face stopping working right now, and I'm trying to type this as coherently as possible but I'm really, REALLY tired, sore, etc. And cold. I should probably put a shirt on. Tmi. Sorry.

Bye, 7 Days! It was an awesome run. <3

I'm super glad that this week ended on a better note than the rest of the feeling of the week. It's a struggle... life. But we get through it. :)

What's the Story?
animals for free
Image by e_monk
So, is this a case a very extreme sexual dimorphism or is this a very brave spider of another species who thinks other bigger spiders will be OK with sharing? I was not able to observe them for long, but the big one (who owns the web) did not seem to care much about the other intruder.

View large on black


Thanks to @awc'mon for id of a dewdrop spider - a group of spiders that likes to dine for free.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Theridiidae
Genus: Parasteatoda
Species: P. tepidariorum
Binomial name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Suborder: Araneomorphae
Family: Theridiidae
Genus: Argyrodes
