
Nice Names For Animals photos

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Check out these names for animals images:

Two Cats Attempting to Rediscover Static Electricity
names for animals
Image by Sanctu
They were really sweet though. Sat totally still for several minutes, just enjoying each other's company, and ignoring stupid tourists with cameras.

Chipmunk in Rocky Mountain National Park
names for animals
Image by Michael McDonough
*Tamias is Latin for "storer," a reference to the animals' habit of collecting and storing food for winter use.[1] Twenty-five species belong to this family,[2] with one species in northeastern Asia, one in eastern North America, and the rest native to western North America.

The name originally may have been spelled "chitmunk" (from the Odawa word jidmoonh, meaning "red squirrel"; c.f. Ojibwe, ajidamoo). However, the earliest form cited in the Oxford English Dictionary (from 1842) is "chipmonk". Other early forms include "chipmuck" and "chipminck", and in the 1830s they were also referred to as "chip squirrels," possibly in reference to the sound they make. They are also called "striped squirrels" or "ground squirrels," though the name "ground squirrel" more often refers to the genus Spermophilus. Tamias and Spermophilus are only two of the 13 genera of ground-living sciurids.


names for animals
Image by 814 carthage
The Australian Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen is a medium-sized black and white bird, closely related to the butcherbirds and currawongs in the Artamidae family. Early European settlers named it for its black and white coloration, similar to the familiar European magpie, which is a more distant relative.
