
Running Impalas - Crescent Island, Lake Naivasha, Kenya

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Running Impalas - Crescent Island, Lake Naivasha, Kenya
wild animals
Image by David d'O
6 September 2009 - Crescent Island, Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Impala (Aepyceros melampus)

These impalas were running right at the top rim of the hill.

For those who like the biological details:
Click a link and you'll go to the Flickr photo page for that rank in the biological classification.

Phylum: Chordata; Vertebrates / Gewervelden
Class: Mammalia; Mammals / Zoogdieren
Order: Artiodactyla; Even-toed Ungulates / Evenhoevigen
Suborder: Cetruminantia; Ruminants, Whales and Hippos / Herkauwers, Walvissen en Nijlpaarden
Infraorder: Pecora; Ruminants / Herkauwers
Family: Bovidae; Bovids; Antelopes, Gazelles, Buffalos, Sheep, Cattle / Holhoornigen; Antilopen, Gazelles, Buffels, Schapen, Runderen
Subfamily: Aepycerotinae; Impalas / Impala's
Genus: Aepyceros; Impalas / Impala's
Species: Aepyceros melampus; Impala / Impala of Rooibok
Subspecies: Aepyceros melampus melampus; Common Impala / Impala of Rooibok

Running Impalas - Crescent Island, Lake Naivasha, Kenya
wild animals
Image by David d'O
6 September 2009 - Crescent Island, Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Impala (Aepyceros melampus)

These impalas were running right at the top rim of the hill.

For those who like the biological details:
Click a link and you'll go to the Flickr photo page for that rank in the biological classification.

Phylum: Chordata; Vertebrates / Gewervelden
Class: Mammalia; Mammals / Zoogdieren
Order: Artiodactyla; Even-toed Ungulates / Evenhoevigen
Suborder: Cetruminantia; Ruminants, Whales and Hippos / Herkauwers, Walvissen en Nijlpaarden
Infraorder: Pecora; Ruminants / Herkauwers
Family: Bovidae; Bovids; Antelopes, Gazelles, Buffalos, Sheep, Cattle / Holhoornigen; Antilopen, Gazelles, Buffels, Schapen, Runderen
Subfamily: Aepycerotinae; Impalas / Impala's
Genus: Aepyceros; Impalas / Impala's
Species: Aepyceros melampus; Impala / Impala of Rooibok
Subspecies: Aepyceros melampus melampus; Common Impala / Impala of Rooibok

Impalas - Maasai Mara, Kenya
wild animals
Image by David d'O
4 September 2009 - Maasai Mara, Kenya.

Impala (Aepyceros melampus)

For those who like the biological details:
Click a link and you'll go to the Flickr photo page for that rank in the biological classification.

Phylum: Chordata; Vertebrates / Gewervelden
Class: Mammalia; Mammals / Zoogdieren
Order: Artiodactyla; Even-toed Ungulates / Evenhoevigen
Suborder: Cetruminantia; Ruminants, Whales and Hippos / Herkauwers, Walvissen en Nijlpaarden
Infraorder: Pecora; Ruminants / Herkauwers
Family: Bovidae; Bovids; Antelopes, Gazelles, Buffalos, Sheep, Cattle / Holhoornigen; Antilopen, Gazelles, Buffels, Schapen, Runderen
Subfamily: Aepycerotinae; Impalas / Impala's
Genus: Aepyceros; Impalas / Impala's
Species: Aepyceros melampus; Impala / Impala of Rooibok
Subspecies: Aepyceros melampus melampus; Common Impala / Impala of Rooibok
