
I'm Pretty Sure It's A Bird - Tikal, Guatemala

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Check out these types of animals images:

I'm Pretty Sure It's A Bird - Tikal, Guatemala
types of animals
Image by destro100
Any help on the type of bird?

Apothecary's Bowl - 1965T132
types of animals
Image by Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
The carvings on this bowl represent creatures which were traditionally believed to have been used by witches to make their magic potions: lizards, snails, toads and snakes, all animals which feature in traditional medicine. The bowl is turned to resemble a large drinking cup, similar to a type which was popular in the 17th century and was probably used by a doctor or apothecary rather than a wise woman or 'witch' as she would not have wanted to draw attention to herself for fear of persecution and death.

2 birds-where's the bush?
types of animals
Image by Grant MacDonald
These guys, or gals or whatever were the scholarly types. They were perched on the local library entrance. This scene reminds me of a New Yorkish kind of thing. I cross processed it in PSP
