Check out these animal world images:
Expedition Everest, Disney's Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney World
Image by Mastery of Maps
Everest Peak in Animal Kingdom with the roller coaster Expedition Everest.
Back the Cretaceous Era
Image by Brett Kiger
If you look closely in this image, you will see little "specs" all over the place. I know what you're thinking, "that's just noise!" but you would be wrong. Those specs are the actually me capturing particles of the experimental CTX Time Rover beginning to dematerialize as the time travel process initiates.
It simply can't be noise because the 7D sensor is perfect at ISO 6400, so my timing must have been just perfect because this process only takes a few nanoseconds... :)
Now, where's that pesky Iguanodon?!?
Walt Disney World | Animal Kingdom | DINOSAUR