
Cool All About Animals images

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Check out these all about animals images:

It's an easy life, waiting for food to walk into your mouth
all about animals
Image by TracerBullet999
I was trying to convince my friend to jump in the crocodile pen, run across it, and jump into the adjacent pen. After all, the barrier between the crocodile pen and the adjacent one was only about 2 or 3ft high and everything's worth it for the ultimate photo, right??

My friend asked what type of animal lived in the adjoining pen...

The answer: a rhinocerous! Glad we didn't go through with this plan :)

Singing Dog
all about animals
Image by cobalt123
A bit reclusive, this is one of a pack of 5 singing dogs and BTW, they really do sing and sing together in a marvelous human-like melody. We heard them singing about 4 hours after we had first viewed these animals earlier in the day. I was told it is rare to be present when they all sing. It was a delightful melody!
